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   Our approach for helping beginners

This was originally an e-mail I sent to our colleagues about this program back when I first implemented it. It will give you an insider's overview.

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Our new program for beginners

I know that when you invite your friends to join the Cure Drive, a lot of you tell them to start with the free tutorials on the welcome page, and that many of you add that they don't need a password to get started. Well, now they need a password to get started, so I thought I should write to you and tell you why.

The password they need is not to the Cure College -- getting that password comes later, after they've begun accessing. No, they need their Yahoo! password, which gets them into Cure Drive membership, because now the Cure Drive is hosting the opening tutorials.

Why did we do this?

It's for their own good. I'm sure you know by now that most of the people to whom you sent those tutorials maybe even got as far as turning on the movie for five minutes before they got distracted, and that MOST OF THEM JUST TOOK A LOOK AT THE WELCOME PAGE AND LEFT WITHOUT EVER EVEN OPENING A TUTORIAL. They told you that, right? They said, "Hey I went to that web site you recommended -- cool stuff!" But when you pressed them, they admitted that they didn't have much time to look around but that they were planning to go back.

That's everybody's experience. And you thought it was just your friends that do that stuff?

Well, now they've got to get in the Cure Drive to start the tutorials, so you might as well tell them to get their membership before they ever go to the web site, the Cure College. Then they'll be ready. If they keep getting the e-mail -- well, all the Cure Drive e-mail has the address of the tutorials at the bottom, so it will be easy for them to remember, and easy for them to get there, and start.

Plus, the Cure Drive e-mail will let them know what's what: they'll see you guys curing stuff -- a big plus! You know, the e-mail that I write is for you: the e-mail that YOU write is for them.

When brand new people come in, they're not that interested in the things I have to say. They look around for e-mail from people, you, to see how you're doing and what you've cured, to understand whether or not you're doing immunics or just watching. Their bias is often just to watch, but if they see enough of you doing immunics, they start doing it, too. And if they write to the Cure Drive saying they're just watching, the moderators don't let it through. So nobody ever sees an e-mail from somebody saying they're just watching. Those e-mails never make it into the Cure Drive; thank God. They would be a bad influence on new members. The moderators coach them, back-channel.

The moderators write back to them telling them to get started, and how to do that. The moderators care, and your friends can see that. And often they get started because of that. Maybe you just need a little help getting them started. Well, WE'LL HELP YOU GET THEM STARTED. We'll talk to them too. They'll see for themselves what we're doing, and we'll directly tell them to do it. Less work for you; more success for the people you love.

That's why we did it. That's why this new program is in place. We want to help you to help them. We think that we're going to see a lot more cures in the coming months because we did this. And I guess the only way to find out is to wait and see.

You know what? Try this -- go to the welcome page, read it -- it's very short -- and click on one of the tutorials yourself -- you'll see what your friends do. Click through all the way to the tutorial folder, to see how that's laid out. I really want you to know what your friend will see, and back-channel me any comments you have, in case there's some way that I can improve it.

Your loving and supportive friend,
The Buz

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   Copyright © 1996 World Harmonic Unified Ministers
Revised 04/22/06