The Way of Immunity



Teach yourself to stay in The Zone
Desperately seeking serotonin
Alternative addiction remedy
Oprah Winfrey is a Harmonic master

This site



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If you're a colleague, or are learning these skills through your doctor, caregiver, caregiver organization, or support group, go to the colleague hub.


You can probably pick this up most easily with your on-line tutorial audios and movies, though there are also text tutorials.

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The advantage with the audio and movie tutorials is that you'll see and hear people do this, and you may find it easy to do it yourself after a few minutes of listening or watching.    

If you're a doctor, caregiver, caregiver organization, or support group, go through the doctor, caregiver, helping organization, and support group entrance.decorative graphic

Improve the performance of your body/weight protocol
New approach to permanent removal of cravings and struggles with food, weight, and your body

Everybody knows you don't have to lose control of your body simply because you love eating.

Now you can learn to manage your body and your weight yourself.

Because controlling your body's responses to what it ingests - precisely, and by yourself - is the key to controlling your weight.  

You can learn how to do it. Once you have, you've made the first step toward mastering being in your body.

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Comprehensive Version

an instructional documentary film about your instant way to remove, install and know

Play it right through your computer. You'll see people teach this to themselves, and possibly begin to do it yourself within 10 minutes of starting this film.


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  Copyright © 1996 World Harmonic Unified Ministers
Revised 07/24/08