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   Funny thing 

Virtually anybody can kill a virus within a few days of becoming a Harmonic master. And most people can even kill a virus, with the Harmonic's help, before they become a Harmonic master.

Sometimes I think that God put viruses on this planet so people could teach themselves Harmonic accessing by killing them

And for another example, we  can also all stop allergies cold

Which means, if you're not yet up to killing your virus yourself, you can win with your doctors treatment - many people are allergic to those treatments. But allergic reactions to medication are as easy to take out as viruses. And not as scary - some of us don't feel immediately confident about winning against a deadly virus without medication.

And virtually anyone can remove cancer from their higher bodies, thereby blocking its spread in the physical body, with the same skill. And all this can add up to winning with your doctors cancer treatment. Deal with these things yourself or use a doctor - in a sense it doesn't matter what route you take. Because either way you can win.

It's funny, isn't it?

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Most people think you have to be an advanced healer to do these things, yet they're the easiest things to do

The evaluation of what your life is about is much more difficult! That evaluation is a skill that is way beyond handling your immune dysfunction. Because if you're in multiple immune dysfunctions, it's virtually impossible to evaluate what your life is about. But even if you're not there yet, you can still kill bugs. With nonphysical means.

And this, by the way, means that a three-year-old child can save her life by stopping the spread of a virus that's invaded her body. And she doesn't even have to be a Harmonic master to do it. Just a little tyke who's willing to learn.

This is a break for children at risk, all over the world.

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Copyright © 1996 World Harmonic Unified Ministers
Revised 03/18/10